Çince (Mandarin) öğretmeni 谢显红


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Çince (Mandarin)
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Çince (Kanton)
Başlangıç: ÇinYaşadığı yer: Dongguan, Çin (14:23 UTC+08:00)
30 Jul 2021 tarihinden bu yana italki öğretmeni
İlgi çeken konuOkumaYemekMüzik
Everybody is good! My name is red, you can call me Cassie, would be glad to have such a chance to study together with everybody here and communicate in Chinese, extensive and profound Chinese culture, and Chinese characters as the carrier of Chinese culture has a long history, if you come to my class, I'll take you read together the charm of Chinese and let us study together, progress together! 大家好!我叫显红,你们也可以叫我Cassie,很高兴能有这样一个机会在这里和大家一起学习和交流中文,中华文化博大精深,而汉字作为中华文化的载体更是源远流长,如果你来到我的课堂, 我会带领你一起揣摩汉语的魅力,让我们一起学习,一起进步!

Çince (Mandarin) Ders

Deneme Dersi
0 ders tamamlandı
USD 5.00+
Speaking Practise(口语练习).Writing Practise (书写练习).Binginner Course(A1-A2).Intermediate Course(B1-C2) course(中级课程)..HSK和YCT
A1 -  A2


0 ders tamamlandı
USD 6.00+
8% indirimli paket

Uygunluk Durumu

Saat diliminize göre (UTC+00:00)


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