Senin için en iyi Lehçe öğretmenini bul.
Senin için en iyi Lehçe topluluk eğitmenini bul: tecrübeli online Lehçe öğretmenlerimizden seç ve en iyi öğrenme tecrübesini yaşa.

12.1k Ders
Patricia (Exam Prep)
Certified IELTS(English)/DALF,DELF,TCF,TEF(French) professor with 15 years of teaching experience When one makes a decision about the work he will do in life, it is important that the decision be based on criteria that reflect his personal values, temperaments, experiences, and skills. My choice of teaching as a career was not made lightly; rather, it was the culmination of a process of reflection about what I wanted to do with my life and my education. I have chosen education as a career because I believe that education is perhaps the most important function performed in our culture, or for that matter, any culture. I wanted to be part of this noble profession, and someday to be counted among those in whom future preservice teachers found inspiration.

336 Ders
Damian Czapla
Business English Expert | 6 lat doświadczenia w nauczaniu języków obcych Jestem magistrem anglistyki i literatury angielskiej oraz posiadam 5 lat doświadczenia zawodowego. Do chwili obecnej, pracować mi było dane głównie z osobami w przedziale 11-60 lat. Jestem spokojny i przyjemnością jest dla mnie doskonalenie twoich zdolności językowych - nie ma bowiem nic lepszego niż dzielenie się wiedzą, prawda? :)

231 Ders
I'm patient, considerate and attentive to what students are saying and asking, I try to encourage them and decrease any stress by means of using materials and teaching helps best suited for each particular student.

911 Ders
I believe in learning by practice - listening and conversation. Of course, some regular exercise can be of use, but the most important thing in learning process is to become an autonomic participant of communication.

982 Ders
🔥 NAUCZYCIEL Z PASJĄ - TO TU! 💪🚀 🚀 I prepare the lesson according to the needs of my students 🇵🇱 🚀The atmosphere in my class is relaxed 🏖 🚀 I am encouraging, patient, and kind 👩 🚀 I want to see you grow and have fun doing so!🏆

1,073 Ders
Polish with Pauline
Feel like you are talking to a friend! 👩🏫 I am currently studying Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language. 🚀 We focus on what really matters, so you can start speaking as soon as possible! 🚀 We use a blend of custom-made materials - my interactive presentations - tailored to your skills and needs, along with a textbook for structured learning. 🚀 Regular revisions in every class help reinforce what you’ve learned. 🚀 You’ll have your own Google Document where I add materials after each lesson. 💖 As a child, I pretended to be a teacher. Teaching on Italki is a true joy and the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. I’m deeply grateful to every student who learns with me - you’ve made my childhood dream come true!

2,638 Ders
I've taught English during my travels as a volunteer in local schools and recently after two years of teaching on Italki I've upgraded to a professional language teacher. My approach is mainly intuitive. To improve my teaching skills I took a 120 hrs online TEFL course to be able to explain specific grammar issues to my students. I can teach beginners and intermediate students who'd like to build and reinforce their learning through speaking practice. I love languages and myself I'm learning Japanese and French at the moment and that's why I can easily understand your difficulties with memorizing new words and frustrations of not being able to pronounce things correctly. I'm very patient :)

1,851 Ders
Martyna Urbańczyk
Professional Community Tutor I’m a teacher for you, if: - you’re looking for personalized lessons ; - you’re looking for personalized learning materials ; - you’re looking for a teacher who puts thought into her lessons ; - you’re looking for a teacher who cares about your progress ; - you would like to learn grammar well ; - you would like to practice speaking on different topics. My favourite topics are: language learning, travelling, hiking, physics, books and reading, journaling, cosy Arctic living ; - you would like to practice Polish through writing ; - you would like to keep a journal in Polish. Let's study together! Będzie fajnie! 📚🖊️📒

306 Ders
I'm a teacher who - as a friend, who doesn’t judge - understands your lack of self-confidence. I find interesting subjects as a prompt for talking and writing, give you the hints and advices concerning the process of learning Polish language. I can help you find the exact words to describe your feelings, your thoughts and opinions, to encourage you to express yourself through Polish language. @eveningswithpolish

1,478 Ders
Polish for adults and kids! Start speaking Polish from the first lesson! 🇵🇱 ✔️I believe that studying must be fun, so you will learn more effectively ☀️ ✔️Speaking is the most important part of my class. ✔️Every class is different, because every student has different needs and preferences. We will learn in a way you will enjoy. ✔️In a google doc 📄 you will find materials for each lesson. ✔️If you prefer to follow a structured course, we can work with a book called Polski krok po kroku or Hurra. ✔️ If you are interested, I can give you a homework and I'll correct it before the lesson❗️

28 Ders
Experienced language consultant (Business English and Polish) I believe that learning languages should be enjoyable and stress-free. Over time, I have developed my own approach, driven by exposure to the language in everyday life. This method is based on combining the learning with other activities, such as your work or hobbies, which makes the whole experience more natural, useful and enjoyable. Unlike most language tutors, I can offer unique insight into using Polish and English (and other languages) in a business context.

835 Ders
It is easy to start talking with me! Boost your German from A1 to B2! Book your 1st lesson 😎 I love accompanying my students while they grow in confidence in their language skills and enjoy the process. So I am an attentive, friendly and sometimes demanding teacher and a language coach. I have experience in teaching students at every age. My focus here is on adults and students above 14 years old now. Passed my age test? :) RESERVATIONS Please make your lesson reservations at least 48 hours in advance. CANCELLATION POLICY Cancelling or time change is possible 24 hours before the lesson. No lesson credits return if you didn't come to the lesson. Waiting for the student up to 15 min. LITTLE TIME AMENDMENTS are possible shortly before the lesson ONLY IF agreement is found.

647 Ders
I. Opcje zajęć - francuski: konwersacje • przygotowanie do egzaminów (DELF, matura, egzamin ósmoklasisty) i konkursów (olimpiada) • gramatyka, słownictwo, czytanie, wypowiedź ustna - łacina: tłumaczenie tekstów • przygotowanie do egzaminów i konkursów • gramatyka - polski: konwersacje II. Options de cours - français : conversation • grammaire • vocabulaire - latin : exercices de traduction • grammaire - polonais : conversation III. Course options - Latin: translation exercices • grammar - French: conversation • grammar • vocabulary - Polish: conversation

21 Ders
My goal is not only to teach you speak Polish as good as a native speaker, but also (and most importantly!) to make you feel comfortable and confident using the language.

1,533 Ders
Julia Pierzga
BA in Polish language & literature |MA in teaching Polish as a foreign language I always make sure that the atmosphere during my lessons is nice and relaxed. I pay attention to detail so all of my lessons are also well planned and structured at the same time. I make sure to tailor them to the student's needs and goals. I highly value feedback and I'm always open to suggestions. I speak English fluently Я понимаю русский и украинский языки, так что даже если вы не говорите по-английски, проблем не будет Dbam o to, aby podczas lekcji panowała przyjazna atmosfera. Przywiązuję uwagę do szczegółów, dlatego dokładnie przygotowuję każdą lekcję i kieruję się wtedy potrzebami i celami uczniów. Doceniam feedback i zawsze jestem otwarta na propozycje i sugestie.

2,688 Ders
Сертифицированный преподаватель польского как иностранного, 8 лет опыта. My goal is to make lessons as interesting as possible and help you to break your language barriers. ✓ 8 years of experience in teaching Polish and Russian ✓ worked with adults ✓ Magister's degree in Applied Linguistics (Translations and Teaching Foreign Languages) Therefore, I know everything about the specifics of teaching both from a theoretical and practical point of view. (For example, I know how to learn words so that they are most quickly remembered; what techniques are most effective in learning, etc.).

304 Ders
Lektor z dużym doświadczeniem w nauczaniu. Dependently on your level I will use books and special exercises. I like student's involvement during the lesson as much as she/he can. It is nice when student is a little tired after the lesson :)) in my opinion it gives the best results. I will engage as much senses of your mind as possible to make your success visible. You will have full access to all materials after the lesson to develop your language skills in a free time.

61 Ders
Agnes W
🇬🇧 🇵🇱 Expert English & Polish Tutor | 15+ Years Experience | MA ELT & JPJO | Personalized & Enga 🇬🇧 Teaching Expertise: I specialize in exam preparation, fluency training, and professional language coaching. Every lesson is tailored to your specific goals using interactive, engaging methods. 📌 GCSE Polish Higher & Foundation – Expert guidance 📌 A-Level Polish – Structured exam strategies 📌 Academic IELTS – 100% success rate 📌 Business & General English/Polish – Practical skills for real life 🇵🇱 Moje Doświadczenie: Dzięki wieloletniemu doświadczeniu w nauczaniu języka angielskiego i polskiego, pomagam uczniom osiągać ich cele w sposób skuteczny i motywujący. ✔️ Indywidualne podejście do każdego ucznia ✔️ Skuteczne strategie egzaminacyjne ✔️ Zajęcia dostosowane do Twojego stylu

1,659 Ders
Nauczycielka języka polskiego jako obcego od 2009 roku / Teacher of Polish for foreigners since 2009 (PL) Pierwsza lekcja, pierwszy rozdział z podręcznika. Druga lekcja, drugi rozdział. Trzecia lekcja, trzeci rozdział, narzędnik. Szósta lekcja, szósty rozdział, biernik. Dziesiąta lekcja, dziesiąty rozdział, liczba mnoga. Dwudziesta lekcja, znasz sto końcówek i nadal nie mówisz po polsku... STOP!!! NIE uczę w ten sposób! (EN) First lesson, first unit of the students's book. Second lesson, second unit. Third lesson, third unit, instrumental case. Sixth lesson, sixth unit, accusative case. Tenth lesson, tenth unit, plural forms. 20s lesson, you have learnt 100 endings and you still do not speak any Polish... STOP!!! I do NOT teach this way!

2 Ders
Martika 7784
EXPERIENCED, PASSIONATE AND RELAXED NATIVE POLISH TEACHER 😊 I also teach KIDS ENGLISH!😊 During my studies, I gained enormous knowledge, which I now happily share with others. Languages have always been my passion. I have been teaching Polish for over two years now. I teach kids, teenagers and adults on a different level from beginner to advanced. It gives me great satisfaction and joy. My students are really happy with the results of learning with me, because I'm a very dedicated teacher who puts in teaching not only a great knowledge and experience but also heart and love for Polish language. The atmosphere of classes is very important to me, so I'm always full of positive energy:), trying to inspire and motivate my students:)