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https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5F-X9EIoLc/?igsh=emJkaWh2NHN0YjE4 Per molti questo video può sembrare strano, anzi quasi inquietante. A noi tarantini (cittadini della città di Taranto, in Puglia)fa battere il cuore di orgoglio e di emozioni. I riti della Settimana Santa sono una tradizione antichissima. Per saperne di più: https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Settimana_santa_di_Taranto Nel video vediamo il pellegrinaggio ai Sepolcri della confraternita della chiesa del Carmine. Per conoscere la storia: https://www.settimanasantataranto.it/uscita-poste-taranto/ Alla mezzanotte tra il Giovedì e il Venerdì Santo, ha inizio il Pellegrinaggio della B.V. Addolorata. La statua della Vergine è portata in processione dalla Confraternita di Maria SS. Addolorata e San Domenico. Il corteo religioso parte dalla Chiesa di San Domenico in città vecchia e raggiunge alle prime luci dell'alba la città nuova. La durata complessiva di questa processione è di 14 ore. I confratelli indossano l'abito di rito composto da un camice bianco stretto in vita e sui polsi un rosario con medaglie a carattere religioso che pende alla destra del camice, una cinta di stoffa nera che pende alla sinistra del camice, la mozzetta di colore nero con il medaglione raffigurante la Vergine Addolorata, un cappuccio bianco calato sul volto tutta la notte con due fori all'altezza degli occhi, un cappello di colore nero calato sulle spalle, una finta corona di spine sul capo e infine scarpe nere e guanti bianchi. La processione è aperta dalla troccola (strumento in legno che produce un caratteristico suono), le pesàre ( gli unici bambini che partecipano alla processione), la Croce dei Misteri, i crociferi, 14 poste (coppie di confratelli), il trono e infine la statua dell'Addolorata portata a spalle da quattro confratelli in abito di rito e da quattro forcelle in abito scuro. Ringrazio l'autore del video, che invito a seguire su Instagram per vedere tutti i suoi lavori.
12 May 2024 12:44
Happy April Fools' Day! 🃏🎉 Today is the perfect day to check out the latest episode of "Holidays and Festivals" on my channel! 🎧 Listen to the episode below 👇🏻 In this episode, we explore the fun and fascinating history of April Fools' Day around the world. Learn about the pranks, jokes, and laughter that make this day so special. 🤣🌍 Whether you're a language learner or just someone who loves cultural celebrations, this episode is a must-listen! After you've had a good laugh, test your knowledge with our quiz or answer some questions to see how well you understood the episode. It's a great way to improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills! 📚🔍 Make sure to subscribe to "Holidays and Festivals" on iTalki so you don't miss any future episodes about different celebrations throughout the year. 📅🎙️ Share the link with your friends and family, and let's all enjoy the spirit of April Fools' Day together! 🎭🌟 #AprilFoolsDay #HolidaysAndFestivals #SubscribeNow
April Fools' Day 🗓️🤡
1 Nis 2024 12:23
GREEK TRADITIONS VOL2 ΑΠΟΚΡΙΕΣ Απόκριες ονομάζονται οι τρεις εβδομάδες πριν από την Καθαρή Δευτέρα οπότε αρχίζει και η μεγάλη νηστεία της Σαρακοστής. Ονομάστηκαν έτσι επειδή, τη περίοδο αυτή, συνηθίζεται να μην τρώνε κρέας οι Χριστιανοί, δηλαδή «να απέχουν από κρέας». Ανάλογη με την ελληνική λέξη Αποκριά είναι και η λατινική λέξη καρναβάλι (Carneval,carnavale, από τις λέξεις<Carne=κρέας και Vale=περνάει). Το κύριο γνώρισμα στις απόκριες είναι οι μεταμφιέσεις τις οποίες συναντάμε σε ολόκληρη την Ελλάδα, καθώς και στην υπόλοιπη Ευρώπη. Ένα έθιμο που ξεχωρίζει είναι το Γαϊτανάκι. Πώς στηνόταν όμως ένα γαϊτανάκι; Από τα πιο γνωστά πανελλαδικά έθιμα, που διατηρούνται αυτούσια ως τις μέρες μας κατά τις απόκριες, είναι το γαϊτανάκι. Δεκατρία άτομα χρειάζονται γι’ αυτόν το χορό. Ο ένας κρατά ένα μεγάλο στύλο στο κέντρο, από την κορυφή του οποίου κρέμονται 12 μακριές κορδέλες, διαφορετικού χρώματος η καθεμιά. Οι κορδέλες αυτές λέγονται γαϊτάνια και δίνουν το όνομά τους στο έθιμο. Οι υπόλοιποι δώδεκα χορευτές κρατούν από ένα γαϊτάνι και χορεύουν σε ζευγάρια. Καθώς κινούνται γύρω από το στύλο, κάθε χορευτής εναλλάσσεται με το ταίρι του. Έτσι, πλέκουν τις κορδέλες πάνω του δημιουργώντας χρωματιστούς συνδυασμούς. Όταν πια οι κορδέλες τυλιχτούν στο στύλο και οι χορευτές χορεύουν όλο και πιο κοντά σε αυτόν, τότε ο χορός τελειώνει και το στολισμένο γαϊτανάκι μένει να θυμίζει το αποκριάτικο πνεύμα. Σε επόμενο ποστ η συνέχεια!🫶
12 Mar 2024 16:11
🌸 Yesterday was a special day in Nepal – it's 'Shreepanchami,' also known as "Saraswati Pooja," a day cherished by students. 📚 Excitement fills the air as we gather to pray to the goddess Saraswati, the epitome of education in Hinduism. 🙏 With the majority of Nepalese being Hindus, Saraswati Puja is celebrated with grandeur, especially in the plains of Nepal. 🎉 Parents eagerly embark on their children's educational journey, believing in the blessings of Saraswati. 📝 Even private schools open their doors for free admissions, symbolizing the importance of education for all. In my childhood, I fondly remember waking up early to bathe in the chilly morning, dressed in new clothes, and offering flowers, akshyata, bheti, and agarbatti to the statue of goddess Saraswati at my school. 💐 With friends, I eagerly awaited my turn to offer prayers and receive prasad – a delightful array of fruits and sweets. 🍎🍬 The cultural programs that followed were always a highlight, although I was too shy to join the dances. Do you celebrate Saraswati pooja? Share your experiences in the comments below! And if you're curious about Nepalese culture, consider booking a class with me. P.S. Nepali words: akshyata (red-colored rice), bheti (money for prayer), and agarbatti (incense stick).
15 Şub 2024 17:23
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