Similarities & differences in Hindi and Sanskrit
Similarities & differences in Hindi and Sanskrit
26 tháng 4 năm 2023
Mô tả
1]There are eleven vowels and thirty three consonants in Hindi, whereas there are thirteen vowels and thirty three consonants in Sanskrit. 2]There are three Numbers in Sanskrit. They are Singular, Dual and Plural. Only more than two are considered Plural. In Hindi, there are only two numbers. They are Singular and Plural. 3]There are three genders in Sanskrit. They are Masculine, Feminine and Neutral. In Hindi there are just Masculine and Feminine genders. 4] In Hindi, the verb changes according to person, number and gender. In Sanskrit, the verb changes according to person and number only. It does not change according to gender. 5] In Hindi the last syllable of the word is pronounced half, whereas in Sanskrit, it is pronounced completely unless marked by ‘Halant’ . Halant is a symbol to pronounce the syllable half. 6]There are only two types of vowels in Hindi. They are Short and long vowels [Hrasva and Deergha svaras]. In Sanskrit, there are three types of vowels; Hrasva, Deergha and Pluta. Pluta is an elongated vowel. Eg: Raaaamaaa, Krishnaaaa, Aagachchaaaa, etc 7]One remarkable difference between the two is with regard to case endings. Unlike Hindi, Sanskrit is an inflecting language. 8]Because Sanskrit is an inflecting language, word order does not matter at all. In Hindi, word order matters.
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