Why You Should Write Your Own Resume
Why You Should Write Your Own Resume
10 tháng 5 năm 2022
Mô tả
Are you looking for a job? Are you wondering why you aren't getting interviews? Before you hire someone to write or edit your resume, you'll want to listen to this episode! I'll explain why I advise you to write your own resume, and of course, you'll get resume writing tips. Even the most qualified professionals won't get invited for interviews if they aren't familiar with the modern recruiting process. We'll explore applicant tracking systems and how to write your resume in a way that ensures a human will see it. Episode originally published March 18, 2021. Original theme music by Lucas Knutter Read the transcript at https://www.express-to-impress.com/writing-a-resume/. Join the Express to Impress community on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/express-to-impress/. See infographics for this episode on Pinterest at https://www.pinterest.com/ExpresstoImpress/_created/.
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