Alif and Hamza   الأَلِف والهَمْزَة
Alif and Hamza الأَلِف والهَمْزَة
9 tháng 10 năm 2022
Mô tả
Hello, at first I will only read the words in Arabic and then I will repeat them with the English translation and then with the Russian translation أَسَد lion лев ________________________________________ فَأر mouse мышь ________________________________________ أُذُن ear ухо ________________________________________ أَنف nose нос ________________________________________ رَأس head голова ________________________________________ إِصبَع finger Палец ________________________________________ فَأس axe топор ________________________________________ أُحِبُّ I love люблю ________________________________________ أُمّي my mother моя мать ________________________________________ أَبّي my Father мой отец
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Let's read Arabic
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