Letter Y
Letter Y
18 tháng 10 năm 2023
Mô tả
Listen and repeat: yarn, yellow baboon, yak, yellowtail fish, yellowthroat, yorkshire terrier, yam, yogurt, yellow pepper, yacht, yeti Flashcards free download: https://supersimple.com/free-printables/captain-seasalt-and-the-abc-pirates-y-flashcards/ Super Simple Songs video: https://youtu.be/6jBT87YXxpA?si=St4oS6mgURvsbi0w Book a class with me here: https://www.italki.com/en/teacher/13365914
Kênh Podcast
Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates
Tác giả
TTeacher AlyseGiáo viên chuyên nghiệp