龙马精神[lóng mǎ jīng shén]
龙马精神[lóng mǎ jīng shén]
28 Thg 01 2024 09:25
Mô tả
龙马精神[lóng mǎ jīng shén]:dragon/horse/ vigour; vitality; drive; This idiom means vim and vigor, full of life, often used to describe people's fighting spirit and healthy state. 龙马lóng mǎ:The mythical beast with a dragon head and a horse body in ancient legends of Chinese. 饱满 bǎo mǎn:full; plump; well-stacked; flush; filled 充满 chōng mǎn:be filled with;be full of 追求 zhuī qiú:seek; aspire; pursue 梦想 mèng xiǎng:dreams eg:龙年到了祝您龙马精神! lóngnián dàole zhù nín lóng mǎ jīng shén! 他是用自己的龙马精神战胜了懒惰的性格。 tā shì yòng zìjǐ de lóng mǎ jīng shén zhàn shèng le lǎnduò de xìnggé。 我中午睡了一觉后觉得龙马精神,一下子干了很多的活儿。 wǒ zhōngwǔ shuì le yī jiào hòu jiàode lóng mǎ jīng shén, yī xià zi gànle hěnduō de huór。
Kênh Podcast
“龙”年中国话(“ lóng ” nián zhōng guó huà)
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