006 Do you enjoy outdoor activities?
006 Do you enjoy outdoor activities?
24 tháng 5 năm 2022
Mô tả
Hey iTalkiers, this is Chadwick. Thanks for listening today. I am going to answer a question which may appear on a test like the IELTS. And that question is this: Do you enjoy outdoor activities? The short answer to that question is yes. I do enjoy activites that take place outdoors. The longer answer needs to be unpacked, or explained a bit more in detail. To begin with, I am not a fan of winter activities. I used to be, but not so much anymore. I was never really keen on skiing, but I used to enjoy snowboarding. But, those days are gone, and I would much rather be cozied up next to the warm fire during those long cold winter months. And now when it comes to spring, summer, and fall... I am all in. Anyone who knows me or follows my Instagram (organicenglishus) knows that I am an avid gardener. Avid means that I show a keen interest, or am enthusiasitic about, in this case, gardening. I could spend all day playing in the dirt and watching things grow. During the warmer months of the year, I also enjoy Hiking the North Country Trail, or paddling around a quiet lake with my wife. So, yeah, spring, summer and winter are amazing. Winter time, not so much. How about you? Do you enjoy outdoor activites? Leave a comment and let me know what you think. Thanks for listening, and please subscribe.
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Organic English
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Chadwick WalengaGia sư cộng đồng