初级 中文歌曲 Chinese songs for beginner  -天堂的魔鬼日常生活(邓紫棋原唱)
初级 中文歌曲 Chinese songs for beginner -天堂的魔鬼日常生活(邓紫棋原唱)
26 tháng 6 năm 2022
Mô tả
The song is from G.E.M . I change the lyrics and it‘s easy for beginner to learn. talking about my daily life.我改编原来的歌词,讲述我的日常生活。 lyrics 歌词: 早zǎo上shàng七qī点diǎn起qǐ床chuáng , 穿chuān衣yī服fú 然rán后hòu我wǒ洗xǐ脸liǎn刷shuā牙yá , 吃chī早zǎo饭fàn 哦ó早zǎo饭fàn吃chī了le鸡jī蛋dàn盒hé牛niú奶nǎi 我wǒ每měi天tiān一yī个gè样yàng 天tiān气qì不bù冷lěng不bù热rè , 阳yáng光guāng明míng媚mèi 我wǒ们men约yuē好hǎo一yī起qǐ去qù散sàn步bù 九jiǔ点diǎn你nǐ来lái到dào我wǒ家jiā门mén口kǒu 我wǒ心xīn情qíng好hǎo好hǎo的de translation: 早上(morning)七点(seven clock)起床( wake up),穿衣服(get dressed) wake up at seven in the morning ,get dressed 然后(then)我( I )洗脸刷牙(wash face brush teeth) ,吃早饭 (have breakfast) , Then I wash my face, brush my teeth and eat breakfast 哦 早饭吃(eat)了鸡蛋(egg)和牛奶)milk) Oh, eggs and milk for breakfast 我每天(everyday)一个样 (same) I'm the same every day 天气(the weather)不冷(not cold)不热(not hot),阳光明媚 (shining) The weather is neither cold nor hot, the sun is shining 我们约好(appointment)一起(toghter))去(go)散步 (walk) Let's go for a walk together 九点(9 clock)你(you)来到(come to )我家(my home )门口(door) You come to my door at 9 o'clock 我心情(mood)好好的(good) I'm in a good mood
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中文歌曲 (learn chinese through chinese songs)
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