16. アパートを探す
16. アパートを探す
5 tháng 3 năm 2022
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Full scripts: https://japanesemayuna.com/ はい、こんにちは。今回はポッドキャストの16回目です。大阪は今週からだんだん暖かくなっています。来週の予報は、最高気温が10度を超えています。私の実家は東京ですが、大阪は東京に比べると天気がいいです。晴れている日が多いです。寒いと電気代が高くなるので、早く春になってほしいですね。 Hi, This is the podcast episode 16. It has been getting warmer and warmer in Osaka this week. The forecast for next week is for a high of over 10 degrees Celsius. I’m from Tokyo, and the weather in Osaka is much nicer than in Tokyo. It is sunny most days. I hope spring will come soon because the cold weather will make our electricity bill higher. もうすぐ春なので、最近は引越しをする人が多いです。日本では、3月から4月は学校や会社が始まるシーズンで、学生や新社会人が一人暮らしを始めるからです。私も授業で、生徒さんとよく引越しの話をします。国によって引越しのシステムやプロセスが違うので面白いですね。 It's almost spring, so many people are moving out these days. In Japan, March-April is the season for schools and companies to start, and it's because students and those who just graduated school and became working adults start living alone. In my classes, I often talk about moving with my students. It's interesting because the system and process of moving differs from country to country. 日本で家を借りるときは、ほとんどの場合、不動産業者と契約をします。まず不動産業者のウェブサイトを見て、希望に合う部屋を探します。広さや、駅からの距離や、築年数が書かれています。「築年数」とは、建物の古さのことです。建てられてから1年経ったアパートは、「築1年」といいます。日本では新しいアパートのほうが人気があるので、新しいアパートのほうが値段が高いです。建てられて1年未満で、まだ誰も住んでいない家を「新築」といいます。 When you rent a house in Japan, you almost always sign a contract with a real estate agent. The first thing to do is to look at the real estate agent's website and find a room that fits your needs. You will find the size of the room, the distance from the station, and the age of the building. “Chikunensuu” (the age of the building) refers to how old the building is. An apartment built one year ago is said to be “Chiku 1nen” (1 year old building). In Japan, newer apartments are more popular, so newer apartments are more expensive. A house that has been built for less than a year and no one is living in it yet is called “Shinchiku” (newly built).
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Japanese Lessons with Mayuna
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