专心致志[zhuān xīn zhì zhì]
专心致志[zhuān xīn zhì zhì]
24 tháng 1 năm 2024
Mô tả
专心致志[zhuān xīn zhì zhì]:focus on/heart/devote/heart; to devote oneself heart and soul to or to give complete attention to eg:她专心致志地学习中文 tā zhuān xīn zhì zhì de xuéxí hànyǔ。 爸爸专心致志地看报纸 bàba zhuān xīn zhì zhì de kàn bàozhǐ 。 鲁国 lǔ guó:Lu state in the Spring and Autumn period in Chinese history. 弈秋 yì qiū:The name of a person 围棋 wéi qí:Go;Chinese draught 高手 gāo shǒu:Past master master-hand ace 徒弟 tú dì:apprentice;disciple;pupil 棋艺 qí yì:skill 大雁 dà yàn:wild goose 丝毫 sī háo:a bit;in the least
Kênh Podcast
乐读中文 (Lè Dú Zhōngwén) - "Joyful Chinese Stories"
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