15 tháng 12 năm 2022
Mô tả
☢️I heard that American nuclear technology has made significant progress! Today we'll look at the latest nuclear energy news. We will learn some difficult and professional words, but that doesn't matter; we just listen and know. There will be interesting discussions about nuclear energy in this episode; remember to listen to the end. ☢️聽說美國核能科技發現了重要的進步!今天我們就來看看核能的新聞,我們會學到一些很難的、專業的詞,但是沒關係,我們聽過去、知道就好了~今天後面也會有很有趣關於核能的討論,記得聽到最後喔。 ☢️听说美国核能科技发现了重要的进步!今天我们就来看看核能的新闻,我们会学到一些很难的、专业的词,但是没关系,我们听过去、知道就好了~今天后面也会有很有趣关于核能的讨论,记得听到最后喔。 [00:00] introduction [03:55] explanation [13:45] discussion 來源/来源: https://mil.sohu.com/a/616835035_260616?scm=1102.xchannel:279:100002.0.1.0~9010.8000.0.0.5819 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CVkyXyTwg4&t=13s
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News with zhe
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LLearn with Yu ZheGiáo viên chuyên nghiệp