Could you explain this joke? "Taking the pith". What he is doing is peeling an orange. How is it funny? It sounds like "taking the piss"?
20 Thg 02 2021 09:04
Câu trả lời · 3
Yeah I think he's making a joke here because 'pith' sounds like 'p*ss'. Sounds like he's actually using an orange or lemon in his recipe, so he's literally taking/using the pith from the fruit but also joking about taking the p*ss out of someone/something. This sort of 'joke' - one that makes sense but isn't really that funny - is sometimes (in England anyway) called a 'dad joke', because it's the sort of joke your dad might make. Rick Stein (the chef talking in your example) makes a lot of dad jokes :)
20 tháng 2 năm 2021
Pith is another word for orange peel, an, as you said, it sounds like 'take the pixx'.
20 tháng 2 năm 2021
I think in English we sometimes like to alter words slightly, just enough that we recognize it’s the same word essentially. But we have changed the word slightly. God k he’s why we do that haha , it’s playing with language I think
20 tháng 2 năm 2021
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