[Người dùng đã hủy tài khoản]
How attached are you to your phone? I guess I'm addicted to my cell phone, even though I feel like smashing it sometimes! Owining to the high price of phones these days, I think I'm taking good care of mine!😂 I mostly watch movies and TV series, listen to music, and contact my friends on my phone. It makes me laugh how foolish one can get due to the rapid growth of technology. I once was looking up a word in a dictionary application on my phone, but I couldn't find any satisfying result. So I turned to a paperback dictionary that I wouldn't normally use. Luckily, after searching for a few minutes, I could find the word along with some good explanation. It wasn't the end of the story though. Just below that word in the entry, there was a phrase containting that word, whose meaning was on another page. Instead of going to that page, however, I found myself pressing my index finger against the bold- printed phrase.🤣😬 What was I really thinking when I was doing it?🙄
25 Thg 01 2021 23:53