Filip Barac
Gia sư cộng đồng
“Right” if you mean correct, or a direction you might turn towards, or a fundamental social thing you are entitled to. “Write” if you mean composing a text, or the act of inscribing text on something. “Wright” if you mean a person who makes a particular thing professionally - wheelwright, playwright, shipwright etc
Which is the correct sentence?
The wright had to write a report
The wright had to right a report
The write had to wright a report
49 đã tham gia kiểm tra
18 Thg 09 2024 10:11
Câu trả lời · 3
It's a very archaic word. I've never heard it used before, except in the terms "playwright" (usually in the context of Shakespeare) and "The Wright Report" (a TV show). Very rare word these days. Most native speakers won't know the meaning of "shipwright" or "wheelwright" without looking these words up in Google or a dictionary.
18 Thg 09 2024 10:34
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