What does the following sentence really mean?The sentence is that the brian and the heart together make a great team"Can you explain this sentence in your opinion?Thank you!
5 Thg 09 2024 02:46
Câu trả lời · 8
You need to find the right balance between doing what you want to do or what excites you (metaphorically represented by the heart) and doing what you know you should do or have to do (metaphorically represented by the brain.)
5 Thg 09 2024 03:54
The word brain is misspelled, but I guess it's a typo(a small mistake in a text made when it was typed or printed) and now the main issue It is a state of unity between your brain (mind) & heart (spirit). This state of harmony allows you to be more present and aware.
5 Thg 09 2024 09:36
The brain and the heart together make a great team. It means, the brain does half of the job, and the heart does the other half of the job, in making decisions. Specifically, the brain thinks (conscious mind), and the heart feels (subconscious mind). When you consciously think something is right, and you also subconsciously feel something is right, then it's probably right - it's a safe decision.
5 Thg 09 2024 06:33
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