Yuli (HSK/Adult/Kid)
Giáo viên chuyên nghiệp
This episode is about 【中国学校开学】, you will learn how to say 【Cry loudly,Separation anxiety】 ect. The material helps you get used to different voice and accent. ------------------------------------------------ It is recommended that you study in the following ways: Step 1: Gist listening. Listen to get the main idea. (more times if necessary) Step 2: Read the text to find out words you didn't get, then look up the dictionary. Step 3: Listen and imitate as much as you can without looking at the text. Step 4: Write down what you hear if you want to practise writing. -------------------------------------------------- 男:时间来到了9月1号,不仅是中小学,不少地方的幼儿园小朋友们也开学了。幼儿园迎来了整个学习里说是最忙碌的一天。 女:是,大家通常会把这一天称作叫“神兽归笼”。幼儿园呢确实变成了大型的“伤别离”现场。我们也看到网上有很多的视频引发了大家的热议,有网友就开玩笑说:“哇幼儿园开学第一天真的是听取哇声一片。” 男:是小朋友第一次离开家要出个小远门了哈。有嗷嗷大哭的,有含泪一步三回头的,也有搂着爸爸妈妈脖子,挂在身上不愿意下来的。老师呢恨不得长八只手,感觉哄不完,根本就哄不完。 女:其实爸爸妈妈也没好到哪儿去,因为他们的分离焦虑呀可能比孩子们更严重。 男:是,通过大家发布的视频呢我们总结了一下哈,比如说,有这个老父亲送完了萌娃回来一直抹眼泪的,有上一秒嘴上说着“解放了”下一秒却化身壁虎各种趴墙头偷看孩子的。 女:特别理解啊,为人父母的心情。你像幼儿园是孩子离开家庭独立成长的第一步,其实也是爸爸妈妈面临和孩子分离的第一步。这世上大部分的爱都是关乎拥有的,但唯独呢父母对子女的爱却应该是逐步放手的爱。所以啊,对于家长们来说呢,希望大家也要提前做好准备,也给孩子充分的信任和鼓励。 男:是,其实每一次流泪呢也都是孩子成长的一个契机,所以家长们也要相信孩子啊,当他们独立面对陌生环境的时候,将爆发出意想不到的小宇宙。 (来源:抖音“中国之声”) ------------------------------------------------ 忙碌/máng lù/Busy 神兽归笼/shén shòu guī lóng/The beast returns to the cage (referring the kids go back to school ) 伤别离/shāng bié lí/Sad about separation 听取哇声一片/tīng qǔ wā shēng yí piàn/hear the sound of cry(original verse is 听取蛙(wā,frog)声一片) 嗷嗷大哭/áo áo dà kū/Cry loudly 含泪一步三回头/hán lèi yí bù sān huí tóu/Look back every few steps with tears 搂/lōu/hold...in one's arms 挂/guà/Hang 哄/hǒng/Coax/lull 分离焦虑/fēn lí jiāo lǜ/Separation anxiety 萌娃/méng wá/Cute baby 抹眼泪/mǒ yǎn lèi/Wipe tears 解放/jiě fàng/Liberation 化身壁虎/huà shēn bì hǔ/Turning into a gecko(posture) 趴墙头/pā qiáng tóu/Lean against the wall 唯独/wéi dú/Only 逐步放手/zhú bù fàng shǒu/Gradually letting go 契机/qì jī/Opportunity 爆发出小宇宙/bào fā chū xiǎo yǔ zhòu/Burst into a small universe(referring the kids will show
开学啦(Advanced level)
2 Thg 09 2024 01:24
Yuli (HSK/Adult/Kid)
Kỹ năng ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Trung Quốc (Quan thoại), Tiếng Trung Quốc (Quảng Đông), Tiếng Trung Quốc (Khác), Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Nhật, Tiếng Tây Ban Nha, Tiếng Thái
Ngôn ngữ đang học
Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Tây Ban Nha, Tiếng Thái