Muhammad Nabil
What's the difference between?? When / while / as / during And when do I use them??
12 Thg 09 2024 12:00
Câu trả lời · 5
Here’s a brief explanation of the differences: 1. When: Refers to a specific point in time or event. * Example: When I got home, it started raining. 2. While: Refers to two actions happening at the same time (continuous actions). * Example: I listened to music while studying. 3. As: Refers to two actions happening at the same time or cause-effect (similar to "while" but emphasizes the timing). * Example: As I was walking, I saw a dog. (happening at the same time) 4. During: Refers to a period of time when something happens. * Example: I stayed quiet during the meeting. Use when for specific moments, while and as for simultaneous actions, and during for time periods.
13 Thg 09 2024 13:55
Here's the breakdown of when, while, as, and during, and how to use them: 1. When - Refers to a specific point in time or an event. - Can be used with any tense (past, present, or future). Examples: - "I was sleeping when the phone rang." - "When I see her, I'll tell her the news." Usage: - Use when to indicate that one action happens at the same time as or after another action. 2. While - Refers to a continuous action that happens at the same time as another action. - Often used with continuous or progressive tenses (e.g., past continuous, present continuous). Examples: - "She was reading while I was cooking." - "I listen to music while studying." Usage: - Use while when two events or actions are happening simultaneously and for a duration of time. 3. As - Similar to while, but more flexible. Can indicate actions happening simultaneously or events that are causally related. - Can also express gradual changes. Examples: - "As I was leaving, it started to rain." - "She smiled as she opened the gift." Usage: - Use as when two things happen at the same time or in a cause-and-effect sequence. It's a bit more casual and versatile than while. 4. During - Refers to a period of time within which something happens. - Generally followed by a noun, not a verb. Examples: - "It rained during the night." - "I felt nervous during the meeting." Usage: - Use during to describe an action or event that takes place within a specified period (not necessarily the whole time). Key Differences: - When - points to a specific moment or event. - While - indicates two simultaneous actions happening over time. - As - can be used similarly to while but can also show cause-and-effect or gradual changes. - During - focuses on the timeframe in which something happens.
13 Thg 09 2024 11:23
As a general rule, I use them when they are relevant. In some cases, while writing a discourse or during an exam.
12 Thg 09 2024 15:15
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