English expression 俚語分享 : 1. You rock 你真利害 2. Glam before the storm 在瘋狂之前有一點點寧靜 3. (A bit) Under the weather 感覺有點生病了 4. When it rains, it pours 禍不單行 5. Rain or shine 無論如何,無論甚麼天氣 6. Every cloud has a silver lining (not 100% good) 陰天下總有一點曙光的 / 壞事情中總有一點點好處 7. Go with the grow 跟隨發展而行 8. Down to earth 實際的,人性化的,確切踏實的 9. Tip of the iceberg 外露的,浮現的一點點現象 10. Nip something in the bud (stop bad behavior) 戒掉一些壞習慣 / 終止不要得的行為 11. Beat around the bush (speak indirectly) 說不出重點 12. The best of both worlds (win win situation) 雙贏的局面 13. Get wind of something 吹來一點風(消息) 14. Plain as day (obvious to see) 明顯易見的 15. Up in the air (no planning for the moment) 沒法控制 16. Call it a day (stop working on a project for the day) 完成當天任務時可用來形容 17. Go cold turkey (suddenly quit a bad habit) 形容立刻戒掉壞習慣 18. Go on a wild goose chase (to do something pointless 做了沒意義的事 19. Crying wolf (to lie many times so no one believes you) 沒有人再信任的時刻 20. Bring home a bacon (to make money to support your family) 家庭經濟支柱的意思 21. Two peas in a pod (two perfect paired people) 二個很合拍的人 22. Butter me up (to flatter someone in order to get something) 奉承及想得到一些甜頭 23. Spill the beans (to tell a secret) 洩漏秘密 24. Take it with a grain of salt (dont believe something seriously) 不用太認真的相信 25. Spice things up (to make something more interesting) 把事情弄得更有趣 #practice together #please correct my mistake #exchange our experience
16 Thg 02 2021 06:06
Bình luận · 3
Hello, your post helped me learn some Chinese phrases so I want to give you some tips in English. We do not use "#2. the glam before the storm" we say "the *calm* before the storm." #6. "every cloud has a silver lining" means that there is some good in a bad situation #7. we use "go with the flow" #14 is not really used, we simply say "obvious" For #20, we say "breadwinner" Hope this helps!
16 tháng 2 năm 2021
interesting :) the person who commented before got pretty much everything, some i see also is #5: We say Rain, Hail or Shine 19# Often said "Cry Wolf" not Crying 20# Can be Breadwinner, or for your saying it is Bring home the bacon hope it helps :) happy to chat more if you like
16 tháng 2 năm 2021