Please point out the weird place. I want to share a story happened in April 3rd, 2024. It was my real experience. On that day, as usual, I woke up early and drove my electric scooter with sports shoes on my foot, carrying a baozi as my breakfast, being the first one to arrive at the office. I was working in the financial department. As I arrived at the office, I unlocked the door, turned on the light, put my bags on my desk. Then, I changed my sports shoes to loafers. Then I fill my jug with hot water and make some tea. That's my daily routine before I have my breakfast. as I sat on my chair enjoying my baozi with tea, I felt like sitting on a boat. I was very doubt if I sit incorrectly that block blood flow and the beating pulse in my leg led to this kind of wave. I stood up for seconds, then sit back. But the feeling didn't stop. Suddenly, I heard very strange sounds coming from the ceiling of the building and I noticed the whole building was shaking. I was on the 19th floor, the top of the building. That might be an earthquake! I jumped up, one hand grasping my phone, one hand holding my baozi, and rushed into the safety stairs. the soles of my loafers were so hard that I couldn't make it quick to down the stairs. I was really afraid of twisting my ankle. If I hurt, it would greatly reduce my escaping opportunity. When I was escaping, a man ran passing me very quickly, I was very sad at that moment. My heart was beating very fast. When I reached the ground, I quickly found an open area and observed around. I was very surprised to see the people on the street act normally. Even some people were entering this building. I didn't wear my coat but it was raining outside. I felt cold. I didn't bring my key of electric scooter or my home key so I couldn't go back home. but the good news was that I brought my phone with my instinct. (continue in reply)
14 Thg 09 2024 06:04
Câu trả lời · 2
Then I shared my breathtaking experience in work chats in WeChat and tried to figure out what happened. My company was in Shanghai but we had some colleagues working in Taiwan. They said a 7.3 magnitude earthquake happened in Hualian, Taiwan. Then I searched the distance between Shanghai and Hualian, over 1200 kilometers. because I was on a very tall building, I could feel the earthquake. The people on the ground, they didn't realize the earthquake. Nobody was at office now. I was afraid to go back. I went to a lucky coffee, surfing internet for a while. The colleagues in Taiwan shared some pictures showing things falling and breaking in the company. Luckily, none of them was hurt. Later, the company noticed that the colleague in Taiwan had a day off. Next day, everything turned to normal except the sore pain of my whole body muscle, specially my legs.
14 Thg 09 2024 06:04
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