[Người dùng đã hủy tài khoản]
Education is very crucial, whether it is from boys school or from girl school. Gender difference schools are being existed at almost every places. The major concern about this change is the safety of girls in terms of physical differences in gender roles, attention level, Academic and cognitive skills, social distinction. All in all, comfort of girls and boys can be included too.
16 Thg 06 2021 10:24
Bài chữa · 1
Education is very crucial, whether it is from boys schools or from girls schools. Gender different schools exist in almost every place. The major concern about this is the safety of girls in terms of the physical differences in gender roles, attention level, Academic, cognitive skills and social distinction. All in all, the comfort of girls and boys should be included too.
Very well written piece, well done Ish.
16 tháng 6 năm 2021
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