Any correction or suggestion will be welcome, thanks. "A bad day"
A bad day.
When I was a child, one of my dreams was to be a vet because I always loved animals, especially little dogs. 
Last month I was walking in my neighborhood when I saw an ad of a special schoralship for the National University of Puppies and I thought "This is my opportunity". I had only three weeks to prepare, so I had to work hard. 
The following weeks I studied sixteen hours a day and I  almost had not gone out of house, except to go to the library. 
When the day of the exam came I was really tired but proud. That morning, I woke up at 4 a.m., took a shower, had breakfast and went to the train station.
 I had been waiting for a hour when I heard on the radio that railroad workers were on strike so I was running to the bus stop. There, I waited forthy minutes until the bus came. After one kilometer the bus stoppet, there was a traffic jam in the center of the city! That was too much, so I decided to go running to the university. I ran as fast as I could no stopping for twenty blocks. 
When I arrived I went to the office reception and explained to the secretary because I was there and she said me "Oh sorry you are wrong, the exam was yesterday" :(
26 Thg 04 2018 15:38
Bình luận · 4
Thanks for the corrections :) . I have a cuestion, when do we use "to" me or only me?
26 tháng 4 năm 2018
Outstanding genious people are often unattentive :) Maybe your fortune has prepared something more convenient for you
26 tháng 4 năm 2018
I had been waiting for an hour when I heard on the radio that railroad workers were on strike so I started running to the bus stop. There, I waited forty minutes until the bus came. After one kilometer the bus stopped, there was a traffic jam in the center of the city! That was too much, so I decided to run to the university. I ran as fast as I could, not stopping for twenty blocks. 
When I arrived I went to the office reception and explained to the secretary why I was there and she said to me "Oh, sorry, you are mistaken, the exam was yesterday" :(
26 tháng 4 năm 2018
A bad day.
When I was a child, one of my dreams was to be a vet because I always loved animals, especially little dogs. 
Last month I was walking in my neighborhood when I saw an ad for a special scholarship for the National University of Puppies and I thought "This is my opportunity". I had only three weeks to prepare, so I had to work hard. 
The following weeks I studied sixteen hours a day and I hardly went out of the house, except to go to the library. 
When the day of the exam came I was really tired but proud. That morning, I woke up at 4 a.m., took a shower, had breakfast and went to the train station.
26 tháng 4 năm 2018