Hi please help. (At)new year, Lydia and her family hosted a small party, they invited her aunties and uncles. They ate homecooked food, listened to music and at midnight , they let off fireworks at the bottom of their garden to celebrate the end of one year and start of another. (On)new year's day, they always went for a big family walk around a local country park. Lydia loved it! Everyone was so cherry and full of hope. What is (at and on ) in this sentence. During or every year? Please help A
10 Thg 12 2023 01:55
Câu trả lời · 4
There's nothing in the first paragraph that tells us whether it happened more than once, but in the second paragraph "always" tells us that it was something they did regularly.
10 tháng 12 năm 2023
Hi, please help  the building is on fire 
10 tháng 12 năm 2023
Certainly, I can help you identify the usage of "at" and "on" in the sentences, and clarify the "during" and "every year" aspect. In the provided text: "At new year," refers to a specific point in time when Lydia and her family hosted a small party. This is a particular moment or event. "On new year's day," signifies a specific day, in this case, New Year's Day. It's a day when they engage in a particular activity, such as going for a family walk. Regarding "during" and "every year": "During" is used when referring to a period of time in which an event happens. For example, "During the party, they ate homecooked food." "Every year" indicates that the action is a recurring event, happening annually. In this context, "On New Year's Day, they always went for a big family walk around a local country park" suggests that this is a tradition they follow each year. So, to summarize, "at" and "on" are used to pinpoint specific moments or days, and "during" and "every year" provide information about the timing and recurrence of events.
10 tháng 12 năm 2023
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