Dong xue
what is your opinion about a fixed marriage? First we should know the reason why people get married. There maybe a lot, like love, resposebility, appriciation, loneliness, parents, money and so on. I suppose all the reasons except love is an unhappy marriage. As time develops, the awareness of choosing a partner by oneself is getting awake more than before. People care more about the self feeling. Parents can not easily arranged their children's marriage any more. There are a lot of fixed marriage in China in the past days, even some of our parents' marriage is arranged by our their parents. They know the disadvatages of fixed marriage.Like different ideas of raising a child, Disagreement with thier parents-in-laws, unfitting personalities ect. So they will not let the tragedy happen to their children again. In my opinion, marriage should based on love rather than other things. A fixed marriage doesn't last long, it is easily to be broken. Maybe the fixed marriage' couple can get fiancial support by both sets of parents and other benefits like house whatever. But money is not all the life about. I'd like the way two people bulid an empire from the ground. The only thing that matters is that you love the one you live with. Love conquers all.
23 Thg 05 2013 15:10
Bài chữa · 1
Marriage is a contract between two humans and I think people should be concious about it. You are sharing your life with a person and the most importan, for me, it is the respect.
23 tháng 5 năm 2013
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