句型练习:“。。。害(得)。。。” 今天,我想向大家介绍一个句型: (主语)+ (害(得))+(名词)+(结果) “害(得)”是动词,可以用来表示结果。意思是“使某人或某物受某种损害”。“害(得)”经常用于因果复句的后一分句之首。以英语为母语的人可以把“害”字的这个用法理解为: *“Made” or “caused” (some bad result) *So that… *Which led to… 该死的糖尿病,害得我连油条都不能多吃!This damn diabetes makes it so that I can’t even eat very many breadsticks! 看了这张图片,害得我连中秋节那天吃的月饼都吐出来了。Looking at that picture even made me throw up the moon cakes I ate on Mid-Autumn Festival. 这风大得简直快要把我吹倒了,害得我连站都快站不住了。The wind was so powerful that I was about to be simply blown over, it made it so that I was about to not even be able to stand up. 为什么我那么内向,害得我连个女友都没有。Why do I have to be so introverted so that I don’t even have a girlfriend. 你就别烦我了,害得我连书也看不进去了。Just stop annoying me, your making it so that I can’t even open a book. 妻子由于没时间,害得我连早饭都没吃就外出了。Since my wife doesn’t have time, it has made it so that I go out the door without even eating breakfast. 我以为你会早点儿来,害得我连晚饭都没吃!I thought you would come early, and you made me miss dinner! 这倒霉的天气,害得我连电视都不敢看。This rough patch of weather has made it so that I don’t even dare to watch TV. 老板在身边呢,别害得我连工作都丢了啊。The boss is right next to me, don’t cause me to lose even my job. 由于人多,一个框就有四、五个篮球,害得我一连换了两次框。Since there were a lot of people, there were five basketballs to one basket, which made me change baskets two times in a row. 他的失误害得公司破产。His mistake made the company go bankrupt. 你和她说的本来就是一码事,害得我听了两遍。What you and she said is essentially the same thing, so you made me listen to it twice. 不知是谁把总水阀关掉了,害得好几户人家都“停水”。I don’t know who turned off the main water valve, but it caused quite a few households to lose water supply. 他失约了,害得我干等了半天。He stood me up, causing me to wait a long time for him for nothing. 父亲害得我银行的账户赤字连连。My father made my bank account go overdrawn repeatedly. 你把地址搞错了,害得我白跑了一趟。You messed up the address and made me go there for nothing. 他无礼的评论害得我很不开心。His rude comment made be sad.
22 Thg 03 2014 09:11