my host words at English Corner Alex: hello everyone ,welcome to Corner , this Corner is organized by English Salon , l am the host Alex . girl: and l am the host Lily,and thanks for the comming of our teachers : Miss.Hoiile,Mr.Wallace , Mr.Wesley and Miss Wu . and today we will talk about "broadcasting", broadcasting is a kind of social medi a ,which give out information by voice , and today we will look into the history ,the development and the beauty of broadcasting ! Okay ,before the video ,we still give our quetions at first : 1.when internet and TV get most of the customers,broadcasting are geting less and less listenors , do you think we still need it in the Age of Internet ? do you describe the beauty of broadcasting? 3.what do you like to listen when there id broadcasting? news ,stories? songs ,or ...? Video----------------------------------------- girl: Broadcasting is such an amazing thing ,such a great technology , with the help of audio equipments , a man can make his voice be heard by thousands of people ,and l think that's the beautiful of it. Alex: yes , as an impartant social media , broadcasting has been with us for about 100 years,and there are some well known broad casting companys like BBC, Voice of America .and here in China ,we have our "central people's broacasting station",and here in our campus,we have --- English for You !!! so guess who our special guest is tonight ? yes ,we have invited student from English For You to share the experience of broadcasting. and he( she) is just in you ! you will know him(her) at 8'o clock ! now let's begin your discussion.
28 Thg 04 2015 14:11
Bài chữa · 3

my host words at English Corner

Alex: hello everyone ,welcome to Corner , this Corner is organized by English Salon. l am the host, Alex .

girl: and l am the host, Lily. Thanks for the attendance of our teachers : Miss.Hoiile,Mr.Wallace ,
Mr.Wesley and Miss Wu . Today we will talk about "broadcasting". Broadcasting is a kind of social medi
a ,which gives out information by voice , and today we will look into the history ,the development and the
beauty of broadcasting !

Okay ,before the video ,we would like to ask some questions :

1.While the internet and TV get most of the customers,broadcasting is geting less and less listeners , do you
think we still need it in the Age of Internet ? would you describe the beauty of broadcasting?
3.what would you like to hear when there is broadcasting? news ,stories? songs ,or ...?


girl: Broadcasting is such an amazing thing ,such a great technology , with the help of audio equipments , a man can let his voice be heard by thousands of people ,and l think that's the beauty of it.

Alex: yes , as an important social media , broadcasting has been with us for about 100 years,and there are some well known broad
casting companys like BBC, Voice of America . And here in China ,we have our "central people's broacasting station". Also here
in our campus,we have --- English for You !!! so guess who our special guest is tonight ? yes ,we have invited a student from
English For You to share the experience of broadcasting. and he( she) is just in you ! (??????) you will know who he(she) is at 8'o
clock ! now let's begin with your discussion.

28 tháng 4 năm 2015
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