Hải Anh
Write about the person you admire most Of all people, my mother is the person I admire most. At the age of forties, my mother seems to be still young. She teaches at a primary school. Teaching is hard work but she loves it. I admire my mother for some reasons. First of all, my mother is a caring woman. She has devoted all her life to taking care of me. I still remember when I was six, I had to go to hospital for a surgery. When I first woke up, my mother was still beside me. At that moment, I realized how much I love her. In addition, my mother is the person I can count on. She is always the first to listen to all my problems and give me some useful advice. Thanks to her encouragement, I have overcome all difficulties. In brief, I am very proud of my mother. She is always the person who inspires me most.
14 Thg 07 2015 14:23
Bài chữa · 4

Write about the person you admire most

Of all people, my mother is the person I admire the most. At the age of forty, my mother seems to be still young. She teaches at a primary school. Teaching is hard work but she loves it. I admire my mother for a couple of reasons. First of all, my mother is a caring woman. She has devoted all her life to taking care of me. I still remember when I was six years old and I had to go to hospital for a surgery. When I first woke up, my mother was still beside me. It was at that moment that I realized how much I love her. Second of all, my mother is the person I could always count on. (Or "my mother is the one person I can count on.") She is always the first to listen to all of my problems and give me some useful advice. Thanks to her encouragement, I have overcome all my difficulties. In brief, I am very proud of my mother. She is always the person who inspires me the most. (Or "She has always been the person who inspired me the most.)


15 tháng 7 năm 2015
Yep, mothers have the heart of gold ^ ^
15 tháng 7 năm 2015
My mother is the same to your mother,and they are the greastest people in the world.I also admire her and love her too.^_^
14 tháng 7 năm 2015
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