[Người dùng đã hủy tài khoản]
Politicians and film stars need privacy FCE Nowadays there's no limit to gossip and speculation, in fact unfortunately a lot of well known figures haven't control of their own privacy anymore. However, notoriety and fame help people to be easily noticed and to stand out from the crowd. Therefore in those days because of the massive importance of social networks such as twitter, facebook .. who belongs to the start system doesn't need a photographer to show off his person anymore but can do it himself by uploading intimate shoots on instagram. On the other hand, this doesn't justify the extreme behaviour of some pedant journalists. What we all deserve in our lives is reciprocal respect and politeness, it's the same for renowned people that in several cases can't barely eat without being continuosly phographed though. To sum up, the bordeline between violation and curiosity ought to be always clear in order not to jeopardise other's freedom.
7 Thg 11 2015 18:30
Bài chữa · 3
Politicians and film stars need privacy FCE Nowadays there' is no limit to gossip and speculation, in fact u. Unfortunately a , in fact, a lot of well -known figures don't haven't control of their own privacy anymore. However, notoriety and fame help people to be easily noticed and to stand out from the crowd. Therefore in tho these days because of the massive importance of social networks such as twitter, facebook .. Those who belongs to the start system doesn't need a photographer to show off histheir person anymore but they can do it hi themselfves by uploading intimate shoots on instagram. On the other hand, this doesn't justify the extreme behaviour of some pedant journalists. What we all deserve in our lives is reciprocal respect and politeness, it's the same for renowned people thatpeople in the public eye who, in several cases , can't barelyeven eat without being continuously phographed though. To sum up, the borderline between violation and curiosity ought to be always clear in order not to jeopardise other people's freedom.   Hello Penelope, This is a nice FCE writing, it is correctly laid out and addresses both sides of the argument. It flows well with quite good use of connectors. I had a problem with one word in blue, I am not sure what you are trying to say unless you mean 'the smart set'. Take care with 'have', if it is being used as a main verb then it needs to be negated with 'do' the same as other verbs. It is only when it is an auxiliary such as in the present perfect that have gets negated itself.   Hope this helps   Bob
 ...Đọc thêm
7 tháng 11 năm 2015
[Người dùng đã hủy tài khoản]
Thanks for your corrections!! You are always very punctual :)
10 tháng 11 năm 2015 · Hồi âm
No problem Penelope. It just depends if I am online when you post. Bob
10 tháng 11 năm 2015 · Hồi âm
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