Basically I'm from god's own country kerala. But now a days the word god's own country only for name sake. Our culture is very much acceptable for every one. We have lot of celebrations and festivals during each season. Every one enjoyed that very much. Our culture says respect elders and get wishes from their, It can lead us a successful life and bright future.
11 Thg 02 2022 15:28
Bài chữa · 1
Basically I'm from god's own country Kerala. But these days the word god's own country is only for name sake. Our culture is very much accepting of everyone. We have lot of celebrations and festivals during each season. Every one enjoyed that very much. Our culture says respect elders and get wishes from them, It can lead us to a successful life and bright future.
This was very well written. There hardly any real errors. Good Job !
14 tháng 2 năm 2022
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