what is the difference between "take a trip" and "make a trip". Oh,another question, I should say "what are the defference" or "what is the defference". thank you very much.
21 Thg 06 2011 18:10
Câu trả lời · 4
They are basically the same, but "make a trip" means that you have been involved in the planning, will pay some or all of the costs, etc. To "take a trip' could simply mean that you are going to join your friends in a car and go someplace. What IS the difference (never "ARE").
21 tháng 6 năm 2011
"What is the difference" is the correct form. In answer to your question, they both mean the same thing but they have a slightly difference sense. To take a trip: implies pleasure/relaxation/leisure. To make a trip: implies effort/necessity/work. For example: I must make a trip to the shops to get some butter. I'm taking a trip to Paris to see a friend. Hope this helps, Take care, Josephine
21 tháng 6 năm 2011
make a trip is like to plan a trip and to take a trip is actually to conduct the trip, to go somewhere your second question: correct is what is the difference or if there are more than one differences you say what ARE the differences
21 tháng 6 năm 2011
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