'destination restaurant'中文该怎么说? How would you put 'destination restaurant' in written Chinese? 招牌餐厅?明星餐厅?顶级餐厅?求助各位。。。 Million thanks!
2 Thg 11 2011 06:18
Câu trả lời · 3
This is a new word and, unfortunately, there is no unique and uniform translation. I think, Philip has misunderstood the meaning of this word. Destination Restaurants refer to a kind of restaurants of which the chefs and dishes are absolutely first-class that is worth your travelling solely to taste, rather than those booked in advance when you go for a journey nearby. The word 'destination' here means that the restaurant itself is worthy of a journey. Therefore, I suggest that it could be roughly translated into 专食旅行目标餐厅 or 专食旅行目的地餐厅.
6 tháng 11 năm 2011
招牌餐厅?明星餐厅?顶级餐厅?这些都可能是destinationrestaurants, destination restaurant 是一些预先就预订,或者是计划好要去吃饭的饭店。主要是用于旅游参观的时候使用。就像我们在中国去一个地方旅游,导游预先已经给你联系好的饭店,就可成为destination restaurant,没有翻译过来呢,你可以自己试图进行翻译,比如迪斯汀餐馆,黛丝缇娜餐馆,等等吧。
2 tháng 11 năm 2011
There is no such restaurant by this name. It sounds funny. Or are you reading "A Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy?"
2 tháng 11 năm 2011
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