Fenton Benton 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全!
you make me speechless. what is the difference if I use "render me speechless"? it has to carry something different other than "make me speechless" orleave me speechless . BTW, Under what circumstances do you use this sentence? angry or joking ?thanks in advance.
1 Thg 12 2011 10:34
Câu trả lời · 3
to render someone speechless can mean to leave someome with nothing to say. Make me speechless or leave me speechless is what one may say to another person asking the other person to surprise him/her. The statement "leave me/one speechless" means to shock someone, or surprise someone to the point that they have nothing to say. It could be both a bad and a good message, but it relies heavily on the in context. Also use in place of awe, or overwhelmed. Again, depending on the context. -PEACE
1 tháng 12 năm 2011
hi fenton render me speechless means that you were taken by surprise and you could not speak on the other hand make me speechless that someone made an astonishing act and you were amazed by it
1 tháng 12 năm 2011
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