Dora S
What's the meaning of "by tomorrow"? Thank you. My colleague asked me to send her some documents by tomorrow. It made me confused. Did she mean that I should do that before tomorrow comes? (It meant I need to finish within today.) Or did she mean that I should send the documents before we finish working in the afternoon of tomorrow?
27 Thg 04 2012 12:10
Câu trả lời · 11
It means that tomorrow is the latest that you may send her the documents. It would also usually mean during work hours but we would automatically ask what time she needed them by.(What is the latest time I can submit the documents?)
27 tháng 4 năm 2012
Your colleague told you that you must send her documents "the day after today or that is TOMORROW", not today, not the day after tomorrow but "tomorrow", maybe it's in your agreement whether you need to give it tomorrow morning before your work starts or after your work hours. Thank you.
27 tháng 4 năm 2012
Actually, this is something that we native speakers also aren't sure about! The best thing to do is email her and ask exactly when she needs the documents.
27 tháng 4 năm 2012
It means that the deadline for sending the documents is tomorrow. What time tomorrow would depend on your colleague. Maybe you should ask her if she needs it by tomorrow morning or afternoon. I hope that helps.
27 tháng 4 năm 2012
It means you should send your documents before tomorrow.
27 tháng 4 năm 2012
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