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拎,提和拿有什么区别?(About lifting, holding and carrying) 拎,提和拿有什么区别? I know some major differences, but I have noticed all 3 words can be used to mean, lift/hold/carry. What is the difference between them when talking about lifting, holding and carrying?
28 Thg 05 2013 13:32
Câu trả lời · 4
拎 Informal, something that can be carried away easily, (Cantonese). 拿 A more generic term, used in Mandarin. 提 formal and in Classical Chinese. In modern colloquial, 手提 = cellphone. In Classical Chinese, to carry by hand 手提玫瑰献芳魂
2 tháng 6 năm 2013
In fact, there is no difference between the three essentially.
28 tháng 5 năm 2013
拎 and 提 have the same meaning. But if you want to dig deeper, 拎 describes a static status. It means you are holding something (off the ground). 提 refers to the action that lifts something from a lower place to a upper place. Personally I think 提 is used by people from the southern part of China more often, and 提 is used by people from the southern part of China more often. I'm from Shanghai. I never say 提, but I use it in writing. 拿 just means 'carry'. It doesn’t have to be from a lower place to a upper place. If you say拎着/提着/拿着, we all understand, they mean the same to us in verbal Chinese.
28 tháng 5 năm 2013
拎 着重指提着轻小的物体 more emphasis on small and light objects,跟提区别不大 而 拿 用处很宽泛
28 tháng 5 năm 2013
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