Clarify the meaning of this word, please. I have never seen this word written, so I cannot spell it. I tried to find it using translators, but they don't give a definition that makes sense by any spelling I can think of. The word sounds like "가시나." When I've heard it used previously, I always thought it meant something like "bratty little girl." However; when talking with friends last night, and discussing our upcoming move to 부산, one fellow warned me to "Be careful of the Busan gashina." I wanted to respond I was married to one, but I was unsure of the meaning after he said that ... but one of our other friends quickly responded to him that I was married to one, and my wife just laughed and agreed. Okay, it could still have a bad meaning and everyone joke with us since we're all close friends, that is true, but he seemed pretty obviously to be talking about adults when he gave me the initial caution. So somebody, please help me to spell the word right, and please clarify the word for me. I apologize if it is offensive
22 Thg 12 2013 23:57
Câu trả lời · 11
가시나 is just a dialect of girl and there is not a negative meaning(In general a dialect has a little negative meaning, so it has not a positive meaning also.) However, when the man said "Be careful of the 부산 가시나" he expressed his personal bias toward 부산 가시나. The other possibility is: He warned you "Be careful of young girls." Personally, I think woman from 부산 is a little talkative and passionate. On the other hand, man from 부산 is very quiet. Have ever heard a following joke. "Man from 부산 only say three words after returning home at night: 밥, 신문, 자자"
23 tháng 12 năm 2013
You spelled it correctly. It is a Busan Saturi. 가시나 (기집애?) It is term to call young girls and it’s a form of 애칭 (endearing term), so it’s used to someone that you are close with. It’s actually interesting to look at the origin of the term and apparently it comes from a historical term 화랑제도 which is explained below. Apparently, it was first formed with young girls in mind. And in Shilla dynasty, 화랑 is also known as 가시나, with 가시 meaning flower, and 나 is a 2nd way of reading 郞. (you know how kanji has more than 1 reading? Same logic!) SOURCE: 화랑제도 (花郞制度) <역사> 신라 때에, 화랑을 중심으로 많은 청소년을 모아 군사 훈련을 하고 도의(道義)를 연마시켜 인재를 양성하던 제도. Pretty interesting right?
23 tháng 12 năm 2013
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