나름 meaning When 나름 is used on its own without '나름이다', '나름대로', '나름으로', just 나름, what does it mean? coz the meaning from the dictionary does not seem to match in this situation? I found this discussion on whether it is right to use it like this, but the meaning doesn't seem to be explained here? Thanks
22 Thg 02 2015 12:57
Câu trả lời · 3
My own way, or, persinally i think?? Maybe it doesn't exist in english... 난 나름 빨리 온다고 온거야. I think i came for my best, in my situation. 이번 시험에서 나름 공부 좀 했어 In this exam, i think i did study
22 tháng 2 năm 2015
나름 is a bound noun which means "dependence,style" Some Koreans use just 나름 in conversations. ex) 이번 시험에는 나름 공부 좀 했어. 난 나름 빨리 온다고 온거야. In the above sentences, 나름 should be used as "나름대로".
22 tháng 2 năm 2015
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