[Người dùng đã hủy tài khoản]
Translate this notice for me please (I want to print it and put it up in my neighborhood) (The translation doesn't have to be the same, I just need to get the idea across. So feel free to translate it in a way that would make sense to a native speaker. Thank you :D) Cantonese Teacher Wanted I am learning Cantonese and I would really need a teacher. I am willing to pay. If you know Cantonese and are willing and able to teach please call the number below. Basic level of English or Romanian required. If you need help with either of these two languages I can help you as well. Phone Number : xxxxxxx... (That's all.)
18 Thg 06 2015 19:57
Câu trả lời · 4
聘用廣東話教師 本人正在學習廣東話並而需要一位教師。若果你對廣東話有一定的認識以及懂得教學的話,敬請聯絡本人。本人願意付學費。要求教師有基本英文或俄文的智識。若果閣下(你)希望在這兩種語言需要幫助,本人也可以提供幫助。 本人聯絡電話:xxxxxx
18 tháng 6 năm 2015
i would love to be your cantonese teacher but the only problem is I'm not in Hong Kong. however, i do have skype ... i can teach you through skype
18 tháng 6 năm 2015
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