What's the meaning of "soak it"? I saw the word "soak it" in the TV series Modern Family. The dad said it to his son when he was teaching his son a lesson because the son have done something bad. Does it mean "remenber it"? How to use it ?
31 Thg 10 2015 15:55
Câu trả lời · 7
"Remember it" is very close to the meaning. The common saying is "let it soak in" or "soak it in" and it brings up the imagery of a sponge soaking up some liquid. I hear or use the saying most often after a sarcastic comment where it may take the person a few seconds to realize the joke or lesson I just told them.
31 tháng 10 năm 2015
I've never heard someone say just "soak it" in that context. Usually they're talking about soaking something in a liquid. But there is also the expression "let it soak in". Which basically means wait a few minutes so that you'll remember it or so that it will register in their minds.
31 tháng 10 năm 2015
I've not for once heard that phrase either but considering the situation of the actions, it might also means "get something into your head" more like "Remember it".
5 tháng 11 năm 2015
Could it have been "suck it"?
31 tháng 10 năm 2015
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