Defensive driving用中文怎么说? Defensive driving的例子是当你避免一个会不是你错的车祸因为你的感应很好而且很快。你应该服从道路的规律也准备一个开车很坏的白吃反应。 更好的例子用英文: an example of defensive driving is when you avoid a car wreck that wouldn't have been your fault anyway, because you reacted to someone driving badly well and you reacted to it quickly. Defensive driving is basically following all the traffic laws while also being ready to react to anyone driving like an idiot.
7 Thg 11 2015 01:12
Câu trả lời · 5
You could say either 防御性驾驶培训 or 防卫性驾驶法 if it is translated literally. However, personally, I have never heard these two words before. There are no common Chinese phrases for "Defensive Driving". Maybe it is a technical term?
7 tháng 11 năm 2015
有人翻译为"防御性行驶"。 http://bbs.tianya.cn/m/post-worldlook-1408307-1.shtml 愚见以为,这只是美国人标奇立异,用新的名词来包装一个老生常谈的概念,那概念就是: "遵守交通规矩,小心驾驶"。对不起,真的觉得有点无聊,有点多余。
7 tháng 11 năm 2015
7 tháng 11 năm 2015
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