angie rojas
What means de-gayed?? Hi, I was reading an article the last week on New York Times, I saw this word and I didn't understand. Thanks for your help!
25 Thg 11 2015 18:44
Câu trả lời · 3
'De-gaying' is a term used in the media for the removal of gay/lesbian elements. For example, if a production company adapts a book to make a film and changes a gay or lesbian character into a straight one, they have 'de-gayed' the story. The reasons for this are purely practical - it makes the film more acceptable to a larger proportion of the movie-going public of the USA.
25 tháng 11 năm 2015
It is not a real word per se, it is probably just a way of saying that someone was made to not be "gay" (meaning homosexual). It would be hard to say for sure without seeing it in context. You can add "de-" to just about anything to signify removing. In the winter we "de-ice" our car windshields, for instance.
25 tháng 11 năm 2015
This is an invented word which means to change someone who is homosexual into a heterosexual. 'de-' in English means to take away or negate, much like in Spanish. The writer here took some creative liberties and and applied it to the word 'gay', or homosexual.
25 tháng 11 năm 2015
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