What is the meaning of this Arabic song? Hi, so this song doesn't have English lyrics provided online anywhere. I really want to know what it says. If anyone can explain to me the meaning behind the song would be great!!! Thank you!!! Arabic lyrics: https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/El-Morabba3/Cigara-Qabel-Ma-Nqoom Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uClFFtS_0wo
7 Thg 02 2016 05:21
Câu trả lời · 8
When I heard them, I knew their accent because it's Jordanian! So for my surprise this band is Jordanian, yet I never heard of them before. The music you heard is of course not Arabic! It's rock music if I'm not mistaken. The words are so silly I can't even tell you how much! I'm sorry but this is what I think. They are simply talking about their lives and how they want to smoke another cigarette before they leave the place they are sitting in, before someone lie to them and give them another promise..... So they sound like a bunch of guys who found themselves with no jobs and decided to make a band. If this is singing, somebody must shoot me please ;D Here is a girl from Jordan singing real traditional songs, at least she sings something with a meaning and the music is Arabic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c0WGLT3HJc And here's a band from Palestine who plays real Arabic music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH7KROMUspk Enjoy :)
7 tháng 2 năm 2016
Hi, I don't speak Arabic but I love the sound of the language and its music. I was able to find the English translation of the song in the YouTube video description box. Mountains are behind you, and behind me are the forms of all of the people, and everyone talks nonsense/in empty words/speaks nothing/says nothing... And it makes me nervous Mountains are behind you, and behind me are words that do not have translations in any book... Nobody wants to explain anything A cigarette before we get up, become lost in the Diaspora/dispersal and we respond to the instructions You make us live in a useless project You lie to us in the middle of the road/path You promise us a new middle east! Your voice reaches me... I feel that you are seeing me Mountains are behind you, and behind me are the forms of all of the people, and everyone talks nonsense/in empty words/speaks nothing/says nothing... And it makes me nervous Autumn is behind you, and behind me the autumn is lost in words, and the summer's time is strange... And I am not with you Mountains are behind you, and behind me are stereotypes that scare everyone... Nobody can believe anything A cigarette before we rise, become lost in the Diaspora and we believe the advertisements You lie to us with a suspicious signature Because you make us live in a useless project You promise us a new east
7 tháng 2 năm 2016
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