Kim Jeong Uk
What is this sentence construed as? I'm staying here for three days. What does that mean? Among the three of the followings. "I'm going to stay here for the next three days from now." "I've been staying here for the past three days." "I'm in the middle of my stay here, but anyway the period of my stay is three days in total."
10 Thg 05 2016 14:44
Câu trả lời · 4
일번이 "I'm going to stay here for the next three days from now."이 맞습니다
10 tháng 5 năm 2016
I'm staying here for three days > your stay here is intended for 3 days "I'm going to stay here for the next three days (as from today."> You will stay 3 days here , and today is the 1st day. ( from now = the above is the better form). But there is no need to mention that since it is already clear without it. From now onwards , I will .... As from now , I will .... "I've been staying here for the past three days."> You have (already) stayed the last 3 days here. ( you are still staying there > doing something from a point in the past and continuing to do so till now> present perfect continous tense) . If you stay another night , you will then say, " I have been staying here for the last 4 days." "I'm in the middle of my stay here, but anyway, my stay here is three days in total." > You are halfway into your stay here , and you have 1.5 days to go before you leave.
11 tháng 5 năm 2016
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