Yuuichi Tam
What's the meaning " Hidge, Hodge"? The next day the giant came to claim the king's promise, and he sent for the hen-wife's boy; and the giant went away with the boy on his back. He travelled till he came to a big stone, and there he sat down to rest. He said: 'Hidge, Hodge, on my back, what time of day is that?' This content is from English fairy tales. Could you teach me the meaning " Hidge, Hodge"?
20 Thg 05 2016 17:31
Câu trả lời · 5
It really doesn't mean anything. It's similar to "Fee Fi Fo Fum!" in Jack and the Beanstalk (another fairy tale). I hope that helps! :)
20 tháng 5 năm 2016
It's probably just sounds that the giant made that helped add on to the story. In English there are often words that have no exact meaning. They often can be used to signify how big the giant or character is By how they sound. That is my opinion. I agree with the last answer 100%.
20 tháng 5 năm 2016
Thank you for your answer. I mistook.
20 tháng 5 năm 2016
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