14 Thg 06 2016 13:30
Câu trả lời · 7
理解:understand (formal). You are learning something that you dont understand. After your hard working with your brain, you 理解了 it. e.g. a teacher teaches his students some theory. After that the teacher asks: 你们理解了吗? 瞭解:know Some information that you don't know. Then somehow(someone told you or you saw some messages etc) you know it. e.g. 通过对这篇文章的阅读,他瞭解到中国是一个很大的国家。You CANT use 理解 here because reading is NOT hard working with brain. 明白:understand(informal) the teacher can also ask like this: 你们明白了吗? You see, teaching a theory to students is formal case, but telling someone some information is informal case ---- here we can use 明白. e.g. 你在给Peter写信吗?不行,你现在还不能给他写信,因为(some reason),你明白了吧? 懂:equal to 理解 and 明白 懂 can be used for formal case and for informal case. 領悟:after a very long and hard time, someone 领悟到了 something. e.g. His father told him something when he was a child. At that time he couldn't understand what his father meant. Now he is 40 years old and he got it. ----- 他领悟到了他父亲当年说的那句话的意思了。 領會:a formal word, meaning "understand something unclear, implied, psychic". e.g. Your boss has a meeting with your team and he says: I'm a very nice person. I never give anyone any deadline. I just tell you guys: If you could finish this job before March, it would be great. Now you can say: 我领会到了Boss的意思:如果我不能在三月份之前完成工作,我就会被开除。 This is not a very good example because this is not very formal. In fact you can use 我明白了Boss的意思 or 我懂了Boss的意思 too.
14 tháng 6 năm 2016
领会和领悟偏书面表达,口语不常使用 理解=明白/懂1 了解=明白/懂2 理解一般是指理解其中的意思及深意等,“明白”和“懂”能表达此意思 了解是指了解事态和结构等,从语感来讲更表面一些,达不到意义的深度 比如 「你懂了/明白了吗 」 既可以表达「你理解了吗」,也可以表达「你了解了吗」的意思 “明白”和“懂”都常在口语中使用
14 tháng 6 năm 2016
多看点儿文字或许能懂一些吧 后两个基本不会再口头使用 前面四个随便用吧...
18 tháng 6 năm 2016
很简单,我用中文来解释吧 理解:知道一段文字,别人说的话所表达的意思或含义 了解:较为熟悉某些事物或人物 明白:同理解 懂:同理解 领悟:对某些很难的内容如宗教哲学等有着很深刻的理解 领会:理解别人所说的话里包含的其他含义
15 tháng 6 năm 2016
理解 is understand 了解/瞭解(繁体)is get to know 明白 is more casual like “oh yeah” “oh I get it” 懂 is basically the same as understand I know.../I understand 领悟 领会 are very similar again, apprehend or comprehend, also has meaning for understanding. but usually these two words will be find more common in the context like, understanding a philosophical concept or something involve more thinking rather than something you can understand on the spot. so it usually used for something take more thinking and longer time. :) hope that's helpful :)
14 tháng 6 năm 2016
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