Hi friends ~ I am very much puzzled by a piece of line from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean2——Dead Man's Chest",once Jack said to Will's father Bill Turner (at about 00:15:03 of the movie) "He shanghaied you into service. " shanghai"???what does that mean? Isn't it a city of China?Can it be used as a verb? Please~If any one of you have seen the movie~help me get of my comfusion~I will be more than thankful~
1 Thg 11 2008 13:49
Câu trả lời · 1
Good question! The meaning has changed over the years, but simply it means TO TRICK SOMEONE QUICKLY AND AGGRESSIVELY. Another good one is TO TAKE CONTROL OF SOMETHING QUICKLY IN A WAY THAT WILL CHANGE AN OUTCOME.
1 tháng 11 năm 2008
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