“发句好尤难得”是什么意思? 我在一篇关于古诗的百度百科文章看到这个句子:“发句好尤难得”。搜索了我发现“发句”的意思就是律诗的第一,第二两句,但后面的“好尤难得”还不明白。 以下是原来整个名句。看到了这个使我更糊涂! 宋 严羽 《沧浪诗话·诗法》:“对句好可得,结句好难得,发句好尤难得。 谢谢 :-)
9 Thg 08 2016 11:59
Câu trả lời · 5
可能你断句断错了。 正确的是:发句好/尤难得。 意思是:律诗的一二两句 写得好 更加 难得 尤是格外,更加的意思
9 tháng 8 năm 2016
发句 means the beginning sentence (or sentences) in a poem (or article). 对句 means the middle part. 结句 means the last sentence(s) in a poem(or article). 好 means good. 可得 means could be attained, can be achieved, easy to get. 难得 means hard to get. 尤means especially. So the whole sentence is literally, "Middle part good, easy to attain. Ending part, hard to achieve. Beginning sentence good, especially difficult to get," which means "It's easy to get a nice middle part, but it is hard to get a good ending, while it is especially difficult to get an impressive beginning." Hello!  I am so glad to write to you!  I am from China and live in the Netherlands . I speak Chinese and English, and learning Dutch now.  Looking forward to hearing from you and learn languages together:)  All the best!
21 tháng 12 năm 2016
对句好,可得 对句是 a pair of sentence 的意思, 对 and 双,indicate dual 。 可得是成语唾手可得的简化,唾手可得 的意思你可以想象 举重运动员 往手吐了口唾沫 , 深吸一口气, 就举起了哑铃。形容做某些事情很简单的意思。 结句好,难得 难得在这里是难以得到 发句好,尤难得,尤难得的意思是尤其难得,尤其= especially 尤是尤其的简化。 中国有很多字都喜欢简化,尤其是古文,你可以尝试自己对这些简化词再重新组词,会更容易理解。
14 tháng 8 năm 2016
9 tháng 8 năm 2016
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