Gina Wang
differences between inscribe and engrave i would really like to know the differences between inscribe and engrave. i looked up the dictionary, and it literally showed out the same chinese translation.
19 Thg 09 2016 16:41
Câu trả lời · 5
Inscribe and engrave are almost the same meaning because you can cut or carve (a text or design) on the surface of a hard object but inscribe is more about write or carve (words or symbols) on something, especially as a formal or permanent record. Inscribe is properly used when you are talking about permanent record or on paper. Engrave is properly used when you are talking about text or design on the surface of a hard object.
20 tháng 9 năm 2016
Just to add another option to your growing list of answers xD "scribe" means to write, inscribe is usually used when handwriting is used, hence the other answers talking about "writing". You can simply write on or you can carve into the surface. Engraving as said before means to cut/carve/indent, and doesn't have any connotations to handwriting like inscribing does. So to recap: Inscribe: handwriting + can include carving, can include symbols. Engrave: carve/cut/indent design or text + can include handwriting. So you can see that the definitions overlap and can be interchanged in some situations. :)
19 tháng 9 năm 2016
Engrave is usually writing (letters and numbers)--and is usually on wood or metal. It means to cut deeply into. It can also be used figuratively (That day was engraved upon my memory). Inscribe can be writing on the surface of an object (vs. deeply cut into). It can be cut into an object, but it would normally be a shallow cut. It is also used for simply writing. (The author inscribed his name on my copy of his book.)
19 tháng 9 năm 2016
Inscribe means to either write or carve words on a surface. Engrave only means to carve words on a surface.
19 tháng 9 năm 2016
To engrave something is similar to carving something, usually words or pictures, into a hard surface such as rock or metal. To inscribe something can mean something similar, but can also be used for writing something on paper. You can inscribe something on paper; but you can't say 'to engrave something' on paper. Hope this helps
19 tháng 9 năm 2016
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