aref baratian
allein vs. alleine what's the difference between "allein" and "alleine" ? please, give me kindly some examples. For example, here can I say "allein" or should I use "alleine" ? Ich ziehe mich allein an. Thank you in advance
16 Thg 11 2016 16:00
Câu trả lời · 4
You´re question confused me, because everytime I wanted to give you an example, I didn´t know, which one I should take. Then I googled it and found out that: "allein" is the correct written form and "alleine" is used when people speak. It´s more informal. Hope that helped. :)
17 tháng 11 năm 2016
Hello, "Alleine" is the colloquial form of "allein" Ich bin allein. Das Kind kann schon allein laufen. Herr Müller ist allein erziehend See:
16 tháng 11 năm 2016
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