how to use "kindly" in requests Please advice how to use "kindly" properly when requesting something. Are the following examples correct: Could you please kindly help to sort out this issue? I would kindly ask you to provide me the sales report for January 2017. Is kindly adverb in requests?
15 Thg 02 2017 20:42
Câu trả lời · 2
As Emily said, use either kindly or please. "Could you kindly provide me with the sales reports from January?" It's very formal, but be careful as it can be used sarcastically! If the sales reports are a month overdue and you've already asked once, asking again with "kindly" would sound sarcastic and please would be better. It is an adverb yes.
15 tháng 2 năm 2017
I think its either "Could you please help to sort out this issue?" or "Could you kindly help to sort out this issue?".
15 tháng 2 năm 2017
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